Peter Stephen Shrimpton

The True Power Of A Journal.

Do you have an account of your life? Can you look back and reflect on your healing or wellness journey? Wouldn't it be nice to have a record of your precious days on earth?
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In this blogpost, you’ll get plenty of good reasons to keep a journal on your healing or wellness journey. When you know the benefits of keeping a journal, you’ll start writing about your days immediately.
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Hello there, champion of true wellness...

Stop for a second, and answer these easy questions: How did you feel last Tuesday? What were your dominant thoughts? What did you do? What did you eat? What vices did you indulge in?

Can you remember? Probably not, right?

It’s easy to forget the past, isn’t it? Now, answer this important question: Have you ever kept a diary? Not just of your appointments, but also of your thoughts and feelings?

The truth is, the days of your life slip by quickly, and your memories of them are buried and lost in the vast archives of your mind. It’s far easier to recall the past when you keep a journal!

Reading about your past activities helps you to remember. Not only that, but it helps you to remember the really important stuff – the good memories that are worth keeping in your mind. 

You see, spending time processing your experience each day gives you the chance to select the most important and essential insights, and discard useless memories that don’t support your best interests. Yes, you get to filter the content that goes into your brain’s database. By dwelling on selective memories, you can shape your perception of the past.

This is very a powerful and extremely useful tool. Only the good stuff is programmed into your subconscious mind, which ultimately creates your reality. Think about that! 

Find The Clarity You Seek.

If you haven’t kept a journal before, you’re about to discover first-hand how powerful and rewarding it can be to record your daily experience of life – especially on a healing or wellness journey. If you don’t write your thoughts and feelings down on paper, they can spin around and around in your head like old, dirty clothes trapped in a washing machine. Instead of finding a resolution to your thoughts and emotions, you go over and over them. You know what we mean, right?   
Write your awesome label here.

What Are The Benefits Of Keeping A Journal?

Keeping a journal allows you to release your innermost thoughts and feelings in a constructive and wholesome way. Writing things down forces you to take time out for yourself each day to reflect on your behavior, and the responses your actions received from others. Summing up the past 24 hours of your life in a single paragraph makes you focus on the defining moments. It compels you to confront the foremost issues in your life, and gives you the chance to work out how you feel about them. This introspection helps you to identify your emotional blockages so that you can deal with them, once and for all.   
Writing things down helps you to become more aware of your true-self.’ 
HENRY jones

Hot Tip:

It’s also very useful to write about the activities and techniques you try out. We strongly suggest you write notes to yourself immediately after each activity. You can use the Challenge Workbook to record how each activity makes you feel. If you don’t have the Workbook, you should get it, and if you can’t for some reason, then you should still record your experience in a notepad or computer. Trust us! You’ll find great value in your notes when looking back on your healing or wellness journey. Each entry will be an experiential milestone and benchmark of your accomplishments.

Journaling - In a Nutshell:

Recording your experience captures key moments, identifies pressing issues, and defines what matters most. It also crystallizes your thinking, distills your emotions, allows you to measure your progress, and provides you with a permanent track record.       

The Challenge Workbook is a fantastic tool for you to keep a journal. Everything you need to record your Challenge experience is laid out for you on a platter. It's so easy to use, and it'll save you time too.  I’d have to say, it’s of the utmost importance to write in your Workbook every day on the Challenge. Don't skip days and hope to catch up down the line. This is a slippery slope that leads to certain failure.   

You simply must set time aside each day to write in your Workbook. It’s a small price to pay for the huge benefits you’ll receive from keeping an account of your daily activities on the Challenge. Do it!  

There’s no better way for you to celebrate the progress you make each day on the Challenge than by writing about it. It’s simple: Doing all the things you planned to do each day becomes a personal triumph, and you’ll naturally find yourself wanting to write about it.

But, on the other hand, not doing what you planned to do gives you nothing constructive to write about. The key to finding your true-self, healing your body, and enjoying radiant health and vitality every day for the rest of your life is keeping yourself busy doing activities that connect you to your true-self, heal your body, and promote health and vitality every day, and - very importantly - your pen busy writing about your experiences. It’s better to be busy than bored, right?
blogpost Benefits

What Did You Learn?

Blogpost Objective:

The objective of this blogpost is to inspire you to keep a journal on your healing or wellness Challenge. Its purpose is give you a way to track and measure your performance, and program your mind with memories that are worth keeping.  

Call To Action:

Keep a journal of your Challenge experience, and develop the habit of journaling for the rest of your life.
Read these blogposts...

This blogpost explains how and when to write in the Challenge Workbooks. 

This blogpost explains why you should plan each day in advance on a healing and wellness journey, and in life.

This blogpost explains how you can have a True-Day by doing everything you planned to do on a particular day. 

Do you know why you should keep a Journal now?

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